
Saturday 2 November 2013

Naijavogue Special: Causes And Treatment Of Cellulite

Its name makes it sound like a medical condition. But cellulite is nothing more than normal fat beneath the skin. The fat appears bumpy because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above it to pucker.
Cellulite isn't harmful. Many people, though, would like to get rid of it because of the way it looks.
What Causes Cellulite
Having cellulite doesn't mean you are overweight. Even thin people can have it. If you are overweight, however, losing weight may reduce cellulite.
Cellulite is more common among women than men. If other women in your family have cellulite, there's a good chance you will too.
Other factors that influence how much cellulite you have and how visible it is include:
Poor diet
Fad dieting
Slow metabolism
Lack of physical activity
Hormone changes
Total body fat
Thickness and color of your skin
Cellulite tends to be less noticeable on darker skin. If you have light skin and plan to be out in a bathing suit or short shorts, applying a self-tanner may make the bumps and dimples on your thighs less noticeable.
Cellulite Treatments
There are many products and treatments that promise to get rid of cellulite on thighs and buttocks. But there is little evidence that shows that many of them work well or for long. Here is what you should know about some of the options:
Cellulite creams. These creams are said to dissolve fat and smooth the skin. But many cellulite creams contain aminophylline, a prescription drug approved for treating asthma. There is no scientific evidence that these creams are effective against cellulite, and for some people, they can be harmful. Their apparent effect on cellulite may be due to narrowing blood vessels and forcing water from the skin, which could be dangerous for people with circulatory problems. Aminophylline can also cause an allergic reaction in some people.
Liposuction. This is a surgical procedure to remove fat deposits from the body. Liposuction, though, removes deep fat, not cellulite, which is just beneath the skin. The American Academy of Dermatology warns that liposuction may actually worsen the appearance of cellulite by creating more depressions in the skin.
Mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a therapy originally developed in Europe to relieve pain of inflammatory skin conditions. It involves injecting substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes into the tissue just beneath the skin. Mesotherapy may break down fat and bring a slight improvement in the appearance of cellulite. But it also carries risks, which include swelling, infection, and irregular contours.
Massage and spa treatments. Massage and other spa treatments may have a temporary effect on the dimpling appearance of skin. But they do not remove cellulite. Any effect is short-lived and probably due to the removal of excess fluid.
Laser treatment. The FDA has cleared the use of a device that uses laser energy to treat cellulite. According to the manufacturer, the device can melt fat under the skin, break up the fibrous bands under the skin, and stimulate collagen production.


Below are natural remedies I’ve had trusted sources recommend. They should all help balance the connective tissue/fat in the body and address the many possible causes. Either way, these things are beneficial for other reasons too so they are worth a try!

1. Dry Brushing

This is one remedy that there may not be any scientific evidence that it works but that there is a lot of anecdotal support for. Either way, it feels great and helps stimulate blood and lymph flow in the body. Here are some specifics from this article:

“How often: Dry skin brushing effectively opens up the pores on your skin. This is something you can — and should — be doing daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time is in the shower before you turn on the water. Just a reminder, don’t get the brush wet.

Direction: You should only brush towards the heart. Making long sweeps, avoid back and forth, scrubbing and circular motions. Start at your feet, moving up the legs on both sides, then work from the arms toward your chest. On your stomach, direct the brush counterclockwise. And, don’t brush too hard: Skin should be stimulated and invigorated but not irritated or red.

Type of brush: The bristles should be natural, not synthetic, and preferably vegetable-derived. The bristles themselves should be somewhat stiff, though not too hard. Look for one that has an attachable handle for hard-to-reach spots, if necessary.

Benefits: In addition to sloughing away dry skin on areas like knees, elbows and ankles, body brushing promotes tighter skin, cell renewal and blood flow. This also helps the lymphatic system release toxins and aids in digestion and kidney function. You’ll also notice a glowy, smooth complexion. We love it because it’s one of the easiest, cheapest and most effective things we can do for promoting healthy skin.”

It seems that a natural bristle semi-firm brush with a handle (like this one) is best and I keep mine in the shower to use daily right before showering. Here is a tutorial video that explains the specifics:

2. Consuming Gelatin

According to Nourishing Traditions and much of the information I’ve read from the Weston A. Price foundation, there are various health benefits to Gelatin, including:

Gelatin supports skin, hair and nail growth
It is good  for joints and can help joint recovery
Can help tighten loose skin (like the kind you get after having four babies in five years…)
Can improve digestion since it naturally binds to water and helps food move more easily though the digestive track
Rumored to help improve cellulite
Great source of dietary collagen (side note: collagen is too large to be absorbed by the skin, so those skin creams are pretty useless… get it internally and use coconut oil for lotion!)
Source of protein (though not a spectacular one) but its specific amino acids can help build muscle.
Gelatin is largely composed of the amino acids glycine and proline, which many people don’t consume in adequate amounts as they are found in the bones, fibrous tissues and organs of animals and as a population, we don’t consume these parts as much anymore. These amino acids are needed not only for proper skin, hair and nail growth, but for optimal immune function and weight regulation!

One theory is that the decline of gelatin containing foods in our diets has led to an increase in cellulite as we don’t have the needed building blocks for healthy connective tissue. Either way, it is another remedy that is good for other reasons and worth a try.

Here are 12 ways I use Gelatin.

3. Myofascial Massage

One theory is that: “Cellulite forms in the superficial fascia, a layer of connective tissue below the skin that contains fat cells. Superficial fascia is fibrous and due to inactivity, injuries, and improper exercise, adhesions (scar tissue) in the fascia can form contributing to the bunched-up or rippled look of the skin. Not only does the superficial fascia become more fibrous, thickened and coarse, less flexible, but it can also adhere to underlying structures that it normally slides over.”

Some therapists are able to perform a type of massage called myofascial massage or myofascial release, which smoothes this layer of connective tissue and can apparently also help with some types of muscle and joint problems that are related to imbalances in the fascia.

For those of us who don’t have access to regular massage, it seems that using a deep tissue foam roller (like this one) regularly can greatly help as well.

4. Coffee Scrub

Coffee scrubs can be beneficial in reducing cellulite as well. The massage and exfoliation benefits skin by stimulating blood/lymph flow and the caffeine in the coffee has a tightening effect. Pinterest is speckled with accounts of coffee scrubs and wraps working for reducing cellulite and loose skin, and like the other remedies, it is at least worth a try. If nothing else, coffee smells great and this scrub will exfoliate skin:

You will need:

1/4 cup coffee grounds
3 tablespoons sugar or brown sugar
2-3 Tablespoons of melted coconut oil
What to do:

Combine the ingredients to create a paste-like consistency (note that it will harden if cooled if you are using unrefined coconut oil). Store in a glass jar.

To Use:

Massage in to skin for several minutes using firm pressure and wash as usual. Use 2-3 times a week. Results should be visible within a couple of weeks.

5. Kettlebells

Kettlebells are one of my favorite ways to workout and they are especially good for the hips/thighs/buttocks/stomach areas (don’t believe me? do one kettlebell workout and let me know how your thighs feel the next day!)

Increasing blood flow to these areas can help remove cellulite and kettlebells are one of the most effective ways to build muscle and burn fat (both which help minimize the appearance of cellulite)

6. Omega-3s

Another theory is that consumption of the wrong kinds of fats leads to an imbalance of the fatty acids that the body needs for smooth skin and tissue. There is some evidence that consuming enough Omega-3 fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins will help reduce cellulite over time. Either way, Omega-3s and fat soluble vitamins are important for many other functions in the body, so it won’t hurt to try it!

Personally, I take fermented cod liver oil daily for skin health (and for many other reasons).

7. Detox Baths

I love detox baths because they are relaxing, but yet another theory proclaims that toxin build-up in skin and fat tissues lead to cellulite. I couldn’t find any scientific evidence to back the toxin claim, but detox baths can be relaxing and great for the skin in other ways, so they are worth a try!

Here are three of my favorite detox bath recipes.

8. Moisturize Naturally

Just as detox baths may help remove toxins that can lead to skin problems (and maybe cellulite), constantly adding toxins back to the skin in the form of chemical-laden beauty products probably doesn’t help much! If you haven’t already, try using natural options for skin care and moisturizing. Simple coconut oil will work as an all-purpose moisturizer, but if you want to get a little more sophisticated, these are a few of my favorite recipes:

Perfect Silk Lotion Bars
3-Ingredient Lotion Bars
Homemade Luxurious Lotion
9. Balance Hormones

It seems that many sources agree that hormones play a large part in cellulite formation (one reason that women typically get it and men don’t) and that working toward proper hormone balance can help reduce cellulite. Even if it doesn’t get rid of cellulite, balancing hormones helps in so many other ways that it is worth working on!

Photo: Checkout Rita Dominic's Outfit To AMP(Nollywood) At 20 Event

The Actress, really looking gougeous in this gown......rate her dressing

Appeal Court Sacks Katsina Senators, House Of Rep Members

The ruling upheld an earlier decision of a federal high court
The Court of Appeal in Abuja on Friday fired two Senators and eight House of Representatives members from Katsina state, who got their seats after their initial occupants were sacked by the Independent National Electoral Commission December 2011.
The court ordered that those sacked by INEC be reinstated.
They are Senators Abdu Umar Yandoma and Ahmad Sani Stores, House of Reps members, Murtala Isa, Muntari Dandutse, Musa Salisu, Aminu Ashiru and Umar Adamu Katsayal, Muhammad Tukur, Tasi’u Doguro, and Abdu Dankama.
Those occupying the seats presently, who are to vacate are Senators Abubakar Yar’adua and Hadi Sirika, House of Reps members Ahmed Babba Kaita, Salisu Salisco, Umar Abubakar, Salisu Daura, Isa Doro, Sani Mashi, Abbas Machika and Mansur Funtua.
The first set of lawmakers were sacked in December 2011 by the electoral body which said they were not the due candidates for the elections on the platform of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change, CPC.
That decision was overturned in January 2013 by a High Court in Abuja, which ordered that the initial winners be reinstated. But that ruling was not effected as the second set of lawmakers appealed against the ruling.
In its ruling on Friday, the Court of Appeal affirmed the judgement of the Federal High Court, Abuja which voided the withdrawal of Certificate of Returns of the first 10 Katsina lawmakers.
The court also said the leadership of the National Assembly acted in error by accepting to swear-in the second set of lawmakers to replace the old ones after INEC issued to them Certificate of Returns.
Justice Jimmy Bada, who led four other judges to hear the appeal said that the High Court was right to have dismissed the objection raised by the lawmakers currently in the National Assembly.
“There is no court of competent jurisdiction that declared the appellant as winner in the election,” the judge said.
“The respondents (those whose certificate of returns were withdrawn) were duly sworn-in and I am of the view that the court below has the powers to entertain the case of the respondent.
“The certificate of returns issued to the appellants is a nullity. The court below was right in dismissing the objection of the appellants. INEC issued the certificate of returns without order from any court or tribunal”.
The lawyer representing the lawmakers who have been ordered to vacate their seats, John Baiyeeshea, said the appeal, which raised four issues for the court’s determination, was not a pre-election matter and as such the federal high court had no jurisdiction to hear and make a pronouncement on it.
He argued that the issuance of Certificates of Return and alleged withdrawal of the certificate are post-election matters, and begged the court to annul the judgement of the high court.

I Blasted Obasanjo Over Second Term Bid - Atiku

Abubakar, has revealed that he “blasted” his then boss, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, over his bid to run for a  second term.

Abubakar made the disclosure during an interview with a newspaper published in Hausa.

In the interview published by an online publication on Friday, Abubakar also disclosed that he and Obasanjo argued over his failed third term bid. Atiku said during one of their arguments, Obasanjo gave him a Quran to swear loyalty to him.

He said, “At first we started arguing, and then he (Obasanjo) opened his drawer and brought out a copy of the Quran and asked me to swear that I will not be disloyal to him. There was nothing I did not tell him in that room. The first thing I told him was that I swore with the Quran to defend the Constitution of Nigeria. Why are you now giving me the Quran to swear for you again?  What if I swear for you and you go against the constitution?

“Secondly, I looked at him and told him that if I don’t like you or don’t support you, would I have called 19 northern governors to meet for three days in my House in Kaduna only for us to turn our back on you?

“Thirdly, I asked him, what are you even doing with the Quran? Are you a Muslim that you would even administer an oath on me with the Quran? I was angry, and I really blasted him. He asked me to forgive him and he returned the Quran back to the drawer, and we came out.”

Obasanjo’s third term bid failed following public outcry over what many saw as unconstitutional.

Speaking further about the controversial bid, which could have taken Obasanjo to a record 12 years as the country’s president, Atiku said he vehemently told Obasanjo to leave after the completion of his second term in office.

He said, “In fact we had the same kind of altercation when he was gunning for third term, he informed me that “ I left power twenty years ago, I left Mubarak in office, I left Mugabe in office, I left Eyadema in office, I left Umar Bongo, and even Paul Biya and I came back and they are still in power; and I just did eight years and you are asking me to go; why?” And I responded to him by telling him that Nigeria is not Libya, not Egypt, not Cameroun, and not Togo; I said you must leave; even if it means both of us lose out, but you cannot stay.”

Obasanjo and Atiku fell out at some point during their administration, with reports that the two did not see eye to eye.

There were also unconfirmed reports that the two of them fell out because Obasanjo went back on his promise to use one term in office and support Atiku’s candidacy for the presidency after his four years. Some reports claimed that Obasanjo had to go on his knees to seek Atiku’s support for his second term.

Atiku denied that his former boss went on his knees to plead for his support. He, however, said that Obasanjo visited his residence to plead for his support.

He said, “Honestly, he did not kneel down for me. But he did come to my house and I refused to see him. And he knocked my door continuously and asked me in the name of God to come out, so I came out, and we went downstairs, and he asked me to join him in his car and I said, no, because of security reasons, but he insisted. So when we entered his car, I never knew that he had gone round states pavilions and asking for the support of governors and delegates and they refused to listen to him because they have not seen us together. So that was why he came and picked me up so that we would go round together. There is something that many people did not know before, which I will tell you now.

“We sat with party elders and discussed the issue of Presidency and there was debate as to whether the South will have eight or four years? If the South had eight years, so the north too should have eight years subsequently. After lots of debates, it was finally agreed that the South should have eight years. And when power returns to the north, they should also have it for eight years.

“However, governors objected to this arrangement. I was then in a dilemma; is the governors’ objection genuine or just a political gimmick. What if I followed them to run against the president and they later on turn their back on me and align with the president? At the end of the day, one would neither be a vice president or a president because politics is a slippery game.”

Concerning his role in the recent breakup of the Peoples Democratic Party, where Abubakar led a number of PDP governors out of the party’s convention, Abubakar said they had spent four months plotting the move.

He said, “We have been planning for some time because we have spent almost four months planning how to split the PDP.

“At first I didn’t know the arrowhead, but they eventually came and met me and I joined them because their reasons are the same with the ones I have been fighting against within the party; lack of fairness, honesty and tyranny. If I can fight the military to restore democracy, why can’t I fight fellow politicians?”

Abubakar added that the breakaway faction of the party had appealed a court judgment declaring its association illegal.

“We have appealed; and we are planning seriously, you will see what will happen,” he said.

Credit: punch

Photo: What Is Wrong With This Olamide's Picture

That is the agba awo himself, Olamide dinning with his palz in Dubai.......what is wrong with this photo?

Beverly Osu And Best Friend, Charity Owoh Relationship Gets Messy

Report have that Beverly Osu and her best friend Charity Owoh are no longer friends. In fact I hear they are currently sworn enemies...and it all has to do with one gorgeous man, Big Brother Africa contestant Bimp Habesh from Ethiopia.

 Beverly and Charity fell out after Charity began to pursue Bimp who has been staying more in Nigeria since the reality show ended a few more months ago. Charity went as far as introducing Bimp to her mum and let everyone know she was interested in him. Then came Beverly, who also started showing interest in Bimp. Remember she confessed her feelings to Bimp in the Big Brother house but Bimp told her he had a girlfriend and Bev subsequently turned to Angelo.

Anyway, the two friends first fell out after Charity allegedly told Angelo (when he was in Nigeria) that Beverly still had a thing for Bimp, and after Angelo left, things became really heated between the former BFFs. Beverly felt betrayed that her best friend not only ratted her out but also went after Bimp knowing how she felt about him. I hear that one of them even went as far as opening a twitter account to attack the other, and the other one got so depressed about the situation (because all their friends supported the other) that she 'contemplated' sucide

Friday 1 November 2013

Naijavogue Special: How To Overcome Masturbation Addiction

Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male and female, and you can be also if you determine that it must be so.This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. You must decide that you will end this practice, and when you make that decision, the problem will be greatly reduced at once. But it must be more than a hope or a wish, more than knowing that it is good for you. It must be actually a DECISION. If you truly make up your mind that you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies which you may have and any temptations which may come to you. After you have made this decision, then observe the following specific guidelines:

A Guide to Self-Control

1. Never touch the intimate parts of your body except during normal toilet processes.

2. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Find good company and stay in this good company.

3. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don't suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken OUT OF YOUR MIND for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things.

4. When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror. Never stay in the bath more than five or six minutes -- just long enough to bathe and dry and dress AND THEN GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM into a room where you will have some member of your family present.

5. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts, and so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking that the temptation would leave you.

6. If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, GET OUT OF BED AND GO INTO THE KITCHEN AND FIX YOURSELF A SNACK, even if it is in the middle of the night, and even if you are not hungry, and despite your fears of gaining weight. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you GET YOUR MIND ON SOMETHING ELSE. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak.

7. Never read pornographic material. Never read about your problem. Keep it out of mind. Remember -- "First a thought, then an act." The thought pattern must be changed. You must not allow this problem to remain in your mind. When you accomplish that, you soon will be free of the act.

8. Put wholesome thoughts into your mind at all times. Read good books -- Church books -- Scriptures -- Sermons of the Brethern [sic, Cistern too?]. Make a daily habit of reading at least one chapter of Scripture, preferably from one of the four Gospels in the New Testament, or the Book of Mormon. The four Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John -- above anything else in the Bible can be helpful because of their uplifting qualities.

9. Pray. But when you pray, don't pray about this problem, for that will tend to keep "it" in your mind more than ever. Pray for faith, pray for understanding of the Scriptures, pray for the Missionaries, the General Authorities, your friends, your families, BUT KEEP THE PROBLEM OUT OF YOUR MIND BY NOT MENTIONING IT EVER -- NOT IN CONVERSATION WITH OTHERS, NOT IN YOUR PRAYERS. KEEP IT OUT of your mind!

The attitude of a person toward his problem has an effect on how easy it is to overcome. It is essential that a firm commitment be made to control the habit. As a person understands his reasons for the behavior, and is sensitive to the conditions or situations that may trigger a desire for the act, he develops the power to control it.

Credit: Tripod

Photo: Check Out Omawunmi's Funny Halloween Party Costume

The singer shares this photo on her intagr page with the caption OK( if I will be leaving my bedroom today) this will be my Halloween costume

Mercy Johnson In Trouble With Movie Marketers

There is an underground plans by the movie marketers under the aegis of Film and Video Producers and Marketers Association of Nigeria, FVPMAN, to blacklist Mercy Johnson Okojie,, in what they call, “ Withdrawing of service from her.”
A highly placed source  who disclosed this latest move against the Actress  to HVP, said, the association decided to take this action, following the ‘unbecoming attitude of the actress as it affects  her work.”

According to our source, members of the association met last Monday, in Onitsha, Anambra State,  to fine-tune plans  to blacklist the actress who recently returned to Nollywood after months of being away in the United States, where she gave birth to her first child.
Shedding more light on the reason for blacklisting the Actress, our source disclosed that the marketers  accused Mercy Johnson of forming the habit of  disappearing while on location after she has been  paid for  the job.  She was also accused of given them difficult conditions.
However, the source  further hinted that the marketers have vowed to sanction any member  who disregard the decision to blacklist the actress. He  also revealed that the leadership of the association has advised its members to release all the films that  Mercy Johnson featured in, on or before January, 2014.
Meanwhile, efforts to contact Mercy to react to the allegations proved abortive as her cell-phone was permanently switched-off. Recall, however, that upon her return to Nollywood,Mercy  was  bombarded with several scripts from different marketers and producers who wanted to get her on their movies.

Credit: Vanguard News

Mitchelle Obama's Reponse To Kanye West

Kanye West recently spoke to Ryan Seacrest about a number of things. Here’s one of the things he said.

There’s no way Kim Kardashian shouldn’t be on the cover of Vogue. She’s like the most intriguing woman right now. She’s got Barbara Walters calling her like everyday … and collectively we’re the most influential with clothing. No one is looking at what [President] Obama is wearing. Michelle Obama cannot Instagram a [bikini] pic like what my girl Instagrammed the other day … so it’s to say when we are there and [editor-in-chief of French Vogue] Carine Roitfeld supports my girl, that’s a breakthrough … there’s a wall of classism that we are breaking through.”

And below is Mrs Obama response
Dear Kanye,

Hi, it’s Michelle. Michelle Obama, Barack’s wife. Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America.

That makes me the First Lady of the United States of America. Me = Michelle Obama.

I hope all is well.

You know, Kanye, I woke up this morning. In the White House. And one of my aides told me she had something to show me. Something that would make me laugh. A “cute” thing, if you will.

It was a series of quotes, Kanye. About my husband and me. About my Vogue magazine cover. And fashion. And classism.

They were your quotes. You were the cute thing, Kanye. And my aide was right. It did make me laugh. Oh, what a hearty White House laugh it was.

Keep my name out your mouth, ya heard.

Tell me, Kanye, what’s your goal with this? Why us? Are you still mad about my husband calling you a jackass a few times? Is that why you’re focusing on me instead of on all the other women who have been on the cover of Vogue?

That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You’re out here all mad simply because we’re stylin’ on you? I know Barack never did apologize for the name-calling, because you know how you men are with your stubbornness.

But it’s more than that. It’s bigger than fashion. To you, this has become a couple vs. couple thing.

I once overheard some of our summer interns talking about you — about how mad you get when you’re compared to other rappers, because your peers are Jesus and Jobs and Walt Disney. I heard it and actually respected that. It shows you have some drive to be a great man. You should fight to get your respect. I see my husband, the President of the Free World, get disrespected every day. And it tears me apart.

So you have to understand where I’m coming from when I say it’s laughable for my 21-year marriage to be mentioned on the same website as your thing with Kim.

Imagine if someone compared you to Papoose, Kanye. Well, you’re Barack’s Papoose. And yes, Kim is my Remy Ma.

My husband’s not moving our family out the country so you can’t see where we stay. Because he runs the country, you see.

And, again, we live in the White House. Very visible.

Look, Kanye, I’m a fan. You had me the second you brought along Uncle Charlie Wilson, and there’s no turning back. I don’t think you’re crazy at all, and in fact fully think you’re saying things that other people are scared to articulate. And, of course, Chicago will always bring us together.

Knowing that, never think that I’m not from Chicago for one second. Barack may be from Hawaii, but I will always be from that 312.

As a woman who loves fashion but never sought to be an iconic figure of some sort, I understand where you’re coming from. And your frustrations. You’re both deeply embedded in fashion, you and Kim, and daring to match, with the man skirts and silly string bikinis. I hear you even have a little pop-up store next to hers that sells nice Confederate flags.

And there’s me, a semi-conservative dresser with my fashion not at the center of my life, and somehow I still ended up on the Vogue cover. And, to make matters worse, I didn’t even ask.

They came to me. And get this, I actually had to think about it.

But next time, Kanye, if we can agree to squash this, I will decline and tell them to ask Kim. Will that make you happy? Will that end classism? Will the inclusion of your born-rich future wife break down the walls that my trailblazing old-ladyness seeks to build up? Just let me know.

Because, at the end of the day, who really needs to be on the cover of Vogue for a third time?

In the meantime, there’s always Terry Richardson.


Send my love to Kim and baby Nori.


Photo: Don Jazzy, Ubi Franklin And Naeto C At Iyanya's Birthday Party

Its the big boiz at the big boy's birthday!

Thursday 31 October 2013

Willow Smith Is 13 Today!

Happy birthday to Willow Smith , Wishing her long life and prosperity as the young star clocks 13 today.

Photo: Check Out This Souljaboy's Collection Of Jeweleries

Wow.....what can you say about this stuffs from the young dude

Photo: Early Times Of Wizkid And Young Skales With EME

Young Skales shared this photo on his instagram page with the caption God Is Good!........yea all the time

Photo: OJB Jazreel Discharged From Hospital , Coming Home Soon

below is the letter from the veteran music producer, OJB Jazreel

Dear fellow Nigerians,
Greetings from far away India! I am sure this note from me will catch you with a little surprise. I have been reading a lot of news about me being published on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and different blogs by my good friends. I thought I must take out a quick moment and let you know that I am officially discharged today from the hospital, after a successful Kidney Transplantation Surgery, by God’s Grace.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Nigerians for your prayers and good wishes, without which all this would not have been possible. I also take this opportunity to thank my friends, fans and family for all the love, prayers and good wishes for a Speedy Recovery!! Be home with you soon…….
Thank you once again sincerely,
Your very own OJB Jezreel.

Photo: See What Toolz Would Look like If She's An Hausa Girl

The OAP shared this photo of herself in an Hausa costume with the caption what would my Hausa name be?

Fashion: Check Out This Fascinating Piece From Alexandre Amosu

The luxury designer shared this fashion piece himself with the caption "there is nothing more humbling than seeing a different culture fascinated by an Alexandre amosu piece, this is why I do what I do and I'm thankful to God".......that brother man is blessed!

Kanye West Speaks Of Kim Kardashian's Influence

Kanye West talks about Kim Kardashian’s influence, among other things.

If there is one thing Kanye West is not shy about talking about, it’s his love for Kim Kardashian. He’s gone on at length in many a interview about how it was love at first sight with Kimmy K and so a marriage proposal seemed inevitable. In his recent spurt of interviews he’s talked about his over-the-top proposal and he’s defended Kim Kardashian as a celebrity whose talent is her beauty.

In his interview with Ryan Seacrest yesterday, the rapper spoke on how influential his baby mama is, saying that she one-ups President Obama’s First Lady, Michelle Obama.

“There’s no way Kim Kardashian shouldn’t be on the cover of Vogue. She’s like the most intriguing woman right now. She’s got Barbara Walters calling her like everyday,” Kanye West said of Kim. “And collectively, we’re the most influential with clothing. No one is looking at what [Barack Obama] is wearing. Michelle Obama cannot Instagram a [bikini] pic like what my girl Instagrammed the other day.”

“[Former French Vogue editor] Carine Roitfeld supports my girl. That’s a breakthrough,” ‘Ye explained. “There’s a wall of classism that we are breaking through.”

During his conversation with Ryan Seacrest, Kanye talked about the engagement ring he gave Kim, revealing it was but four hours old when he gave it to her.

“The ring was four-hours-old from when I put it on her finger,” Kanye said of the 15-carat Lorraine Schwartz diamond. “I had to pick it up in L.A. I was working on it for a while. I was working on it with four different jewelers. I just put it in my bag.”

Kanye also discussed his ‘creative genius’ title, and how it means he has to ‘turn up’ in everything he does– including a marriage proposal.

Photo: Check out Mtech's Birthday Gift to Iyanya

Iyanya shared the photo of the birthday cake given to him by mtech Nigeria.......check it out below

Photo: Check Out Fabulous Uti Nwanchuku's Outfit To Giama Awards

In the photo below , Uti Nwanchukwu rocked an eight colours outfit to the giama awards which took place at Houston , Texas.......what do you think about the outfit?

Tears As Negotiations Between Minister Of Education And Asuu Failed

The supervising Minister of Education, Nyeson Wike had thought that it would be so easy for him to go into a discussion with the leadership of ASUU and come out smiling after a compromise, but was shocked at the recent meeting in Abuja when it became obvious that ASUU is  not joking but really mean business.

His plan to use the resolution of the strike to lobby President Jonathan to make a full Minister of Education has does suffered a serious set back. It doesn't seem that would happen anytime soon and it appears ASUU and its leadership are not ready to accept anything less.

Tears As Negotiations Between Minister Of Education And Asuu Failed

The supervising Minister of Education, Nyeson Wike had thought that it would be so easy for him to go into a discussion with the leadership of ASUU and come out smiling after a compromise, but was shocked at the recent meeting in Abuja when it became obvious that ASUU is  not joking but really mean business.

His plan to use the resolution of the strike to lobby President Jonathan to make a full Minister of Education has does suffered a serious set back. It doesn't seem that would happen anytime soon and it appears ASUU and its leadership are not ready to accept anything less.

Photo: 2face Idibia spotted With Tpain In Atlanta

Tpain and 2face were recently spotted together in Atlanta......they might be work in on the rainbow remix video though

Fake Assistant Commissioner Of Police In EFCC Net

Days after he was arrested for presenting himself to the Director-General of the Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation, NTDC, claiming he had been assigned to discreetly investigate staff of the corporation, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, yesterday, arraigned one Kunle Adeshola, a fake Assistant Commissioner of Police, who also claimed to hold a doctorate degree from the University of Jos, before Justice Hussain Baba of the FCT High Court, Maitama, Abuja.
He was docked on a 7-count charge bordering on impersonation, forgery and obtaining under false pretence.
The accused pleaded not guilty, when the charge was read to him, prompting the prosecution counsel, Sylvanus Tahir, to ask for a trial date, while urging the court to remand the accused person in prison custody.
However, the defence counsel, Yemi Akinseye, prayed the court to admit the accused person to bail, stressing that the charges preferred against him are bailable.
He assured that the accused will be available to face his trial.
One of the charges read: “That you Kunle Adeshola, male, sometimes between May and October, 2013 in Abuja, falsely pretended to hold the office of an operative of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission with staff identity card no. EFCC: 073, as a public servant.
“In such assumed character held out yourself to the Director-General and staff of the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation under colour of such office and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 132 of the Penal Code Cap. 532 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (Abuja) 1990.”
Justice Baba granted the accused bail in the sum of two million naira, a surety in like sum, who must be a civil servant of the rank of deputy director in the federal service, and resident in Abuja.
The accused person is to be remanded in prison custody until he perfects the bail terms. The case was adjourned till November 29 for hearing.

Credit: Vanguard news

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Photo: Sheyman Releases New Promo Pictures

In view of the release of his forthcoming single, ‘Oluwa Wa’ scheduled to ne released on Friday November 1, 2013 veteran  producer and hit maker, Sheyman has released his new promo pictures. His last single, Paper Remix featuring Davido still remains one of the most played songs this season. Check out photos below

Snoopdog Seeks Your Opinion On This, Find Out What It Is

The rapper shared some photos of him putting on some dog and lion like mask and asking the question "which one should I be" that suppose to be some in decisions over identity

Official Birthday For Iyanya

Its singer iyanya's birthday today and it's gonna be fun ! Wondering where the venue is?.......check the photo below, you are all invited!

It's Dj Humility's Birthday Today! Wishing You Well @djhumility

The Dj whose date of birth is 31st of October ,
Christianed 'Benedict Afagwu' by his parents, DJ Humility started making waves when he clinched the 1st place position at the Benson & Hedges Dj Championship in the early 2000's. About the same time, he was voted as Nigeria's best radio Dj at the Gbedu Awards and the same best Dj award in 2003 at the Fanta Fame Award.
He has gone on to perform at some of the biggest concerts and shows in Africa .
     Wishing DJ HUMILITY a happy Birthday!

President Jonathan Reportedly place Stella Oduah On Suspention

Aftermath of  revelations from the National Assembly probe in the Stella Oduah saga, President Goodluck Jonathan, has reportedly  has finally placed the embattled Minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah, on what is described as a "tactical suspension", pending the submission his probe panel report.
 “Oduah will not be allowed to attend public functions that will have the President in attendance until the three-member committee  set up to investigate the matter turns in its report.”
A reliable Presidency source said Jonathan decided on the 'tactical suspension' hours before the signing of the Bilateral Air Service Agreement between Nigeria and Israel on Monday.

Recalled that the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Aviation, George Ossi, told the House of Representatives Committee probing Stella Oduah that she led a Nigerian delegation to Israel to sign the BASA. But that did not happen as she was rendered a mere spectator.

It was the ‘suspension’ that made Jonathan to direct the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Viola Onwuliri, to sign the agreement instead of Oduah on behalf of Nigeria.

In what seemed a corroboration of the “tactical suspension,” the Special Adviser to the President on Political Matters, Mr. Ahmed Gulak, insisted that Jonathan would not associate with or shield anybody found to be corrupt. He told Punch that Stella Oduah is not even part of Jonathan's delegates.

“Did you see them (Jonathan and the minister) together in Israel? The President will not associate or shield anybody found to be corrupt,” Gulak said.

Meanwhile, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party said on Tuesday that it was worried by the bulletproof car scandal. Surprisingly, PDP assured Nigerians that whoever was found culpable would face the law because it (PDP) would never condone any form of graft.

No Work No Pay Rule For Asuu May Prolong Strike - Asuu

The  Chairman of the Delta State University Chapter of
the Academic Staff Union of Universities
(ASUU) on Wednesday warned that
implementing the No-Work-No-Pay policy
would worsen the industrial crisis in public
universitie. Dr Emmanuel
Mordi, said in Asaba that the state government
was planning to implement the policy for the
first time. NAN reports that the state Governor, Dr
Emmanuel Uduaghan, had urged ASUU
members to return to classroom or face
implementation of the policy. “When the strike is called off, lecturers will say:
`No pay, no work’. It does not help anybody; it
can only escalate the crisis. “It is unfortunate that ASUU is at the receiving
end, as the government, being stronger, has
the power to withhold ASUU members’ salaries,
he said. He said that ASUU was willing to call off the
strike and would do so as soon as the Federal
Government showed more commitment. “We are anxious to call off the strike, but the
government said we should wait for so many
months. “What we must note is that our students are
also our children. Some lecturers are also
students; so, this is a very painful surgical
operation, which we have to carry out in the
best interest of our future generation.” Also the Adamawa chapter of the Christian
Association of Nigeria (CAN) on Wednesday
said the lingering strike by university teachers
in the country could destroy the nation’s
tertiary education. The Chairman of the association, Rev. Moses
Taparki, in an interview in Yola, expressed
displeasure over the inability of the Federal
Government and the Academic Staff Union of
Universities (ASUU) to resolve the issues. Describing the situation as “unfortunate”, he
said it had lingered in spite of appeals and
interventions by groups and individuals, and
blamed the government and the union for their
seeming “insensitivity” to the issue. The cleric said the damage the strike had done
to the university system in the country in the
past four months would take several years to
redress. “The government and ASUU should take
responsibility for the sad development. Many
groups and individuals, including religious
leaders and traditional rulers, have appealed to
them but all have been in vain,” he said. “For the rigid positions the government and the
university teachers have maintained on the
matter, I maintain that both parties must take
full responsibility for the damage the strike
has done to the system,” he stressed.